I just received "the Versatile Blogger Award" from Gloria, at
thelastofnine. Thank you so much Gloria! You just made my day! Big Hugs to you!!! Be sure to stop by Gloria's blog, and check out all her amazing creations.

The rules of the Award are to:
1. Thank the person who sent it to you.
2. List 7 things about yourself.
3. Send this award to 15 other bloggers.
(Thanked Gloria above)
7 things about me:
1. I don't like driving at night or in snow!
2. I love mustard! Especially the mustard from a restaurant in San Diego called, "Pat & Oscars". Whenever my husband goes there for business he brings me back some.
3. I love Coconut flavored coffee. Yum!
4. I don't eat "red" meat.
5. I sing once a month at church on our praise team.
6. I love sparkly nail-polish!
7. I have a super messy scrap room right now. I so need to clean it! Funny thing is, every time it's clean. My husband laughs at me because he knows it's not going to stay that way very long.
The 15 Bloggers I chose for "the Versatile Blog Award" are:
Jo @ paperdrama, Jo is such a kind person, she donated her beautiful long hair to Locks of Love! Which my daughter did a year ago. Such a touching thing to do. She also is so creative and makes incredible cards!
Karla @ KarlaS001, Karla is such a sweetheart! She sells amazing items in her etsy shop. Be sure to stop by her blog and check out what she creates.
Rose @ Rosenpapers, Super talented and beautiful! She is the queen of shabby Chic. She is just amazing!
Rina @ Scrapmusubi, Rina my "Bling Sista" keeps it real and always makes me laugh! She makes amazing project with The Greeting Farm Stamps and Teresa Collins Products.
Yolanda @ Yolibean, Super Creative, and shares so much of herself with us. She is the Martha Stewart of today.
Miss Paige @ PinkLemonade, Oh My! I can't believe how talented this young lady is. Paige is always sharing such amazing ideas! Check out her blog!
Tara @Alifeworthscrappin, I love Tara's style when it comes to scrapping layouts. She is very talented and shares the cutest layouts of her kids on her blog.
Kathy @ Paperphenomenon, Kathy is super duper talented, be sure to stop by her blog. She creates templets and kits you can purchase. So amazing!
Julie @ Jewely.bug, Julie is always so thoughtful. She always leaves me the nicest comments on my blog! Thank you Julie. Be sure to stop by her blog, a must read.
Bona @ keeponscrapin, Bona is super talented and creates amazing mini books, she also sells amazing kits. Check out her blog.
Marlene @ uniquelyella, Marlene is such a sweetheart, she has such amazing taste, I love her vintage shabby chic style.
Thanks again Gloria for this award! Big Hugs!
Happy Scrapping Everyone