I created this mini page album and tag for a special family who has lost a child.
Sarah, a friend on YouTube put out a request for help to create pages for a mini book she was putting together for the Thompson family.
To find out more information on the story of Somer Thompson be sure to check out www.rememberingsomer.com
Somer's story touched me very deeply as a mother of three. I feel honored to have been able to take part in this mini book.
Somer's favorite color was purple, so I used purple as my accent color on both my pages and my tag.
If you are interested in helping Sarah, her youtube channel is "kaczsk", send her a personal message and she'll get back with you. Pages/tags must be sent to Sarah before April first.

On the back of my tag I wrote a poem for Somer's mom and this is what is says.
She had wings like and Angel
in a lavender gown.
Her halo sparkled
as she danced around.
With a smile so bright,
she lit up a room.
She danced and twirled,
as Angels do.
Singing you are
my Sunshine,
Forever true.
(original poem by me)