Wanna win some Goodies?
To show my appreciation for all my YouTube subscribers and my blog followers, I'm giving away some blog candy! I'm so excited to have over 100 Subscribers! Thank you for watching and for all your wonderful comments!!
Check out the pictures below to see what you can win. Later today I'll be posting a Blog Candy video on YouTube for a better look at all the goodies. (my video may not show up for 24 hours, keep checking for it.)
How to enter to win.
You must complete all three requests in order to have your name in the give away.
1. Subscribe to my YouTube channel. You can search by Scraps of Mine to find my channel.
2. You must also become a follower on my blog.
3. Leave me a comment either at my blog under this post or leave me a comment on my Youtube channel under my Blog Candy give away video. (Please don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you.)
Good Luck Everyone! I will be drawing from the comments on Wednesday Oct. 28. I will announce the winner on my blog and on my YouTube channel. Make sure to check back on Wednesday to find out who the winner is.
Thanks again Everyone for your support and your wonderful comments!!! Leslie