This week I'm super busy running a super fun VBS (Vocational Bible Study) for our church.
I'm one of three leaders on our church's Children's Ministry Team that consist of 10 members. This is our first year as a team running this ministry for our church. We have been planning this VBS since January, and last night was the first night of this event and WOW! It's so nice and rewarding to actually see all our hard work pay off, and on the first day!
The photo above is just a glimpse of how much fun and planning went into our VBS. Yes, you read the title right, and you are not seeing things. Our theme, is "There's no place like home" "and Heaven is our Home." a spin off of the Wizard of Oz. but told in a Biblical fashion. Super fun for the kids!!!
So you won't be seeing a lot of blogging from me this week, as I'll be giving all my time and energy to VBS this week, then I'm off to a much needed vacation without kids in San Diego!