Yesterday my sweet baby had his first day of Preschool. Yes he is three and I still call him my baby!
I didn't cry, and he didn't cry which was shocking to my husband. He made the transition so easy. He already knew his teacher, as his brother had the same teacher last year. I did feel a little odd not having my little shadow following me everywhere, but just a soon as I dropped him off, seemed like minutes later it was time to pick him up.
And now all three of my kiddos are going to school. Our oldest is all day, my Kindergartner is only half day and my little guy is twice a week. I must say this is as much of a transition for me as it is for my kids. I will survive! I might get a little lonely, but give me some time and I'm sure I'm going to enjoy having my mommy alone time, at least twice a week that is.